We know we will have a flu season every year. The COVID-19 outbreak, however, caught many people completely off guard. I would submit we should treat the possibility of a pandemic as if we expect it annually, just like flu season.
This isn't that much of a stretch. The supplies you'll need and the procedures you'll need to undertake are not expensive or time consuming. With a little forethought, your pandemic preparedness can be top notch.
First, you'll need to make sure you've completed the basic readiness tasks in The Ready Citizen. This will be your baseline level of preparedness, which will address your food, water, hygiene, cash on hand and other basic preparedness requirements.
Second, you should strongly consider getting the immunizations recommended by your medical professional. That includes the annual flu shot.
Supplies to keep on hand
For flu and colds, the list is straightforward. Most of these items would be helpful in an infectious disease situation that isn't the flu or cold. Consider keeping these things on hand year round, in sufficient quantities:
Pedialyte/Gatorade. My rule of thumb is have enough on hand for a total of 7 gallons per person. For Gatorade, that would be a standard can of their powdered mix.
Clorox Wipes/Sani-Cloth wipes. These went quickly during the COVID-19 pandemic. If you had to clean the most commonly used surfaces in your home and vehicle on a daily basis for a month, figure out how many you'd need for that.
N95 or N100 masks
Non-latex gloves
OTC pain and fever reducers
Anti-diarrheal medications
Oral thermometers
Household bleach (generic brand, unscented)
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Cough Drops
Laundry detergent
Feminine hygiene items
Trash can with plastic trash bags
Purel or equivalent
Disposable straws
Cash on Hand
Hand Soap/Hibiclens